Friday, December 19, 2008

New Blog!!

I know I am probably nuts, and you may all think that if you like ;) I always had problems when I would try and change the layout...I had things that would disappear and then I would spend tons of time putting everything back on. So I decided to try a new one and I think I have all the cinks worked out so things don't vanish on me. The new blog I hope you all can come and visit it. Thanks!!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Ok so I know what you all are thinking..."Someone is Missing!" Savannna was a calm cucumber during the entire night, but of course as soon as Santa showed up and we tried to walk her up to the stage so she could sit on his lap, she got scared and started crying, maybe next year we can get her up there. As you can see though Tage ate up the opportunity to sit on Santa's lap, he was very excited.
It was a fun night though.
More Christmas Pictures will be coming, this is just a preview. :-)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Another Year Gone By

Tage started preschool this year, so we decided to go the elementary school for picture day and get his and Savanna's picture taken. I think they turned out pretty cute. I have included last years picture of the kids that I took so everyone can see how much they have grown up and changed. I can't believe that it has been a year since the last pictures were taken, times goes by way too fast. Enjoy :)

First 2007.....Second 2008

First 2007......Second 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat Night!

It was a great night to go trick or treating, the weather was perfect!! I think we were all surprised that we even got Banna in her costume. When we first got it and showed it to her, she didn't want anything to do with it, I mean she wouldnt even try it on or anything. Even with the ward Halloween Party I had to fight with her to get it put on her, but of course by the nights end she didnt want to take it off. She even wanted to put it on the day that Tage got to dress up for school, go figure huh? So here are some pictures of the night, just a few. It was fun.

Half way through the night the cousins finally caught up with us and went to a couple of houses with us, they even told us about this house that had like a Frankenstien lab. Sure enough this guy had the lab in his garage. He had a dummy that looked like Frankenstien and he had buckets of eye balls, brains and other "things" the kids loved it! It was really neat.

It was a fun night, Savanna was such a trooper. We could tell that about the time that we met up with the cousins she was tired, but do you think she would stop? Nope, she wouldnt even let us help carry her bucket, which was getting quite heavy. As you can see in some of the pictures Tage would have his mask on and then he would take it off. He was kind of funny about it first it was too hot, then it was too scratchy, then he couldnt breath very well...anyway, it was on then it was off. Fun Fun times.

Halloween Cookie Decorators

Every year just before Halloween we all, all meaning all of Barts family, get together and let the kids decorate Halloween cookies. All of us Mommies make the cookies (usually way too many). Mom Carroll buys all the candy for the kids to use, and this year she went way overboard with it. Although, the kids were way excited about having tons of candy. It was a lot of fun and the kids had fun too. I even made some larger pumpkin cookies for the "adults" to decorate to which they all grabbed at :-)

Friday, October 31, 2008

"I do Gymnastics"

For the past several weeks Tage has been taking some gymnastic classes. He enjoyed it a lot! So much in fact that he had to remind me daily that he went to gymnastics. As you can see from the pictures that he learned some fun stuff, I am not sure what everything is called that he learned, but they all do have a name. The last day was Wednesday, October 29th, and the parents were invited to stay and watch the kids do everything they learned, it was somewhat figity, younger siblings running around, parents walking everywhere to take pictures...and then Tage decided to run over to me and give me a hug everytime he finished an action, with much excitement, I might add. It was fun to watch him be so excited about something. I just looked over the pictures and some are out of order and I belive one even has a duplicate, oh well I guess we all can't be perfect. :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Look-alike Meter

So we had a little fun with the look-alike meter. We ran each of them twice just to see if the results would come out the same and sure enough they did each time. Bart swears I slept with the mail man because the kids dont really look anything like him! But he is glad that the kids have their moms good looks ;)
He does however, have banna more on his side so it cant be all that bad.

Carroll Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph

Carroll Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Great Pumpkin Patch

So many Pumpkins, So little time...
Even though it was very cold I still wanted the kids to experience the Pumpkin Patch, which we missed last year, and the last time we did go Banna was just little and the pictures got erased. It did take Banna some time to get use to walking through all the vines but she did finally figure it out. Tage was off the hay ride and running with his cousins and I barely got any pictures of him.
We all had a blast and in all I do mean ALL of us.....5 adults.......13 kids. We even managed to keep track of all of the kids and not one was left behind :-)

The kids got there Pumpkins as you can see, but they were too interested in watching everybody else to look at mommy for a picture, oh well.
Happy Halloween Everyone!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Visiting Cove Fort

Today was a fun day..we were so lucky as to "pawn" Tage off for the weekend, no just kidding, my mom decided to go visit my Aunt Shelia down in Henderson for the weekend and asked if Tage wanted to go with. Obviously I think we all know the answer to the question. All he could do was jump up and down and scream, "YES, YES!!" So we went and picked T up from school and on the way to moms he asks, " Mom you got me all packed up?" I looked over and Bart and all we could do was laugh and all I could say was yes. We got him loaded up and off they went. "YAY!!" I'm free is what I was thinking ;)
Bart also took today off and so we decided to get out and do something fun. We have all summer wanted to go to Cove Fort and finally we made it.
It was very enjoyable and took up the day which was very nice. Savanna had fun too as you can see from all the pics we took of her. She would pop her head into a room and look around for a second and then be gone outside, running and climbing on whatever she could find, the other visitors thought she was very cute, and of course Savanna would acknowledge them and smile and luagh and then run from them then they would just laugh. Our Tour Guide was Elder Barnes, he was the cutest little man, very friendly and he knew many things which made the visit very fun.
There were a lot of pictures taken of the rooms, the barn, the bunk house, the blacksmith shop....Savanna just basically ran around and played in the dirt and the rocks and at one moment when we were just standing around talking she thought it was funny to pour rocks in my shoe, needless to say I didnt think it was, but Bart sure did. Daughter like Father I say :)
Anyway....enjoy the photos, I know we enjoyed taking them.

Our Tour Guide Elder Barnes and Savanna.