Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Ride Up The Mountain

Last Saturday the whole family decided that it would be fun to take a ride up the mountain, Monroe Mountain, to be exact. I had actually been sick, but getting out of the house was nice. So we went riding and the ride kind of turned into a ride/picnic. The weather was very nice and cooperated very well. I believe only once the kids got away from us and ran up the mountain. Paul ran after them and he said that it was a good thing he did because not far from where they were caught was a cliff. YIKES!!!!
The kids had fun climbing the mountain and playing in the dirt. They even found an old fire pit to play in, fun for the kids but not so fun for mommy when I had to clean hands and faces. Paul had even brought an elk call with and Tage had fun trying to bugle. Cason was great at doing the bugling, well, screaming into it actaully, but he sounded just like one.

Tage found this stump of a tree which was a great place to put the kids up on and take some pics. It was the perfect little seat for them to sit on. They were all so cute and it was fun to take them.


The Damron's said...

Cute pics thanks for posting them, I will put mine on soon!