Today was a fun day..we were so lucky as to "pawn" Tage off for the weekend, no just kidding, my mom decided to go visit my Aunt Shelia down in Henderson for the weekend and asked if Tage wanted to go with. Obviously I think we all know the answer to the question. All he could do was jump up and down and scream, "YES, YES!!" So we went and picked T up from school and on the way to moms he asks, " Mom you got me all packed up?" I looked over and Bart and all we could do was laugh and all I could say was yes. We got him loaded up and off they went. "YAY!!" I'm free is what I was thinking ;)
Bart also took today off and so we decided to get out and do something fun. We have all summer wanted to go to Cove Fort and finally we made it.
It was very enjoyable and took up the day which was very nice. Savanna had fun too as you can see from all the pics we took of her. She would pop her head into a room and look around for a second and then be gone outside, running and climbing on whatever she could find, the other visitors thought she was very cute, and of course Savanna would acknowledge them and smile and luagh and then run from them then they would just laugh. Our Tour Guide was Elder Barnes, he was the cutest little man, very friendly and he knew many things which made the visit very fun.
There were a lot of pictures taken of the rooms, the barn, the bunk house, the blacksmith shop....Savanna just basically ran around and played in the dirt and the rocks and at one moment when we were just standing around talking she thought it was funny to pour rocks in my shoe, needless to say I didnt think it was, but Bart sure did. Daughter like Father I say :)
Anyway....enjoy the photos, I know we enjoyed taking them.

Our Tour Guide Elder Barnes and Savanna.